Monday 15 May 2017

Valuing Human Effort

Young and handsome Ananda become the leader of a monastery when Buddha left his physical body. The townsmen were skeptical. They felt he was too young and frivolous.
They went in a group and asked him what the old bed sheetswere to be used for as the monastery had just been given new ones. Ananda said, ‘I had them cut into towels for the monks. ‘When those get worn out, what will you do?’ they asked. ‘I will fold them, stitch them and use them as doormats for monks coming in from the rain.’ Still they persisted. ‘What will you do when those too get worn out?’
‘I will have them cut into strips to use in the kitchen to handle hot vessels.’
‘Why do you take so much trouble over old bed sheets?’ they asked.

Ananda reflected for a while, then he said, ‘The life blood of some mother, some human being has been poured into making those sheets. That human effort should be treated with respect,’ he said. The townsmen left satisfied that Buddha had chosen well.

Friday 12 May 2017

Professions to be happy

·         Serve others. Look at your profession as a means to serve and make others happy.
·         Make a living causing the least amount of pain to living creatures
·         Eliminate mad deadlines or emergency.
·         Ensure freedom to be self-dependent and take own decisions.
·         Make space for innovation.

·         Believe in hi-touch along with hi-tech. Have a good level of contact with people and elicit positive responses from them.