We all try to amass wealth, by putting money in fixed
deposits, dabbling in shares, buying gold or land or a house. Cold cash in a
favourite option. But the latest
research shows that social capital could be your greatest asset.
An oven (physical capital) or an MBA (cultural or human
capital) can increase productivity. In the same way, social contacts certainly
enhance the productivity of individuals, teams, families and communities.
Anything you own will not really help you, especially during a crisi,s unless
you have goodwill, fellowship, mutual sympathy and affectionate interactions
with your family, neighbours, friends and work associates. The man who has no
social capital, will find no support when faced by financial loss medical
emergencies or any catastrophe where he needs a helping hand. Everyday life
would be lonely and boring. Those without social capital are more prone to
illness. Dean Ornish the heart specialist says that those who have five or more
close friends are far less likely to get heart attacks than those who don’t.
Though no man is an island, there are four negative
consequences of social capital: exclusion of outsiders; excess claims on group
members and restrictions on individual freedom.
So gather your
social network close around you like a warm multi-coloured blanket. Keep in
touch on telephone, sms, internet. All of these channels can enhance the most
important way of communicating-in-person and face to face.
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