Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Laughter controls high blood pressure and heart disease

There are a number of causes for high blood pressure and heart disease like heredity, obesity, smoking and excessive intake of saturated fats.  But stress is one of the main factors.  Laughter definitely helps control blood pressure by reducing the release of stress-related hormones and bringing relaxation.

In experiments it has been proved that there is a drop of 10-20 mm in blood pressure after participating for ten minutes in a laughter session.  It does not mean that those who are taking 2-3 tablets for blood pressure every day will be completely cured.  Maybe, you will require two tablets if you are taking three, or if you are a borderline high blood pressure patient, you may not require any medication after some time.  It takes years to develop high blood pressure.  It cannot be reversed in a few days or a month.  But definitely laughter will exercise some control and arrest further progress of the disease.

If you are at high risk of developing heart disease, laughter could be the best preventive medicine.  Those who are suffering from heart disease and have stabilised on medication will find that laughter improves the blood circulation and oxygen supply to the heart muscles.  Due to improvement of blood circulation there are less chances of forming a clot.  Those who have had heart attacks or have undergone bypass surgery can also participate in laughter therapy.

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