Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Happiness Mantras

Happiness Mantra 1: Each new day holds out a chance to create a whole new beginning, a sparkling new field of possibilities.

Happiness Mantra 2: The ecology, the geography of your inner mindspace, is in your hands.

Happiness Mantra 3: 'Swayambhu' is a word that describes happiness welling out of you, like an underground stream in the mountains.

Happiness Mantra 4: Focus on Stress and unhappiness should be turned upside down. Instead of attacking unhappiness, we should plant a garden of happiness, by welcoming the positive emotions into our lives - love, compassion, wonder, courage, laughter and peace.

Happiness Mantra 5: Focusing on our unhappiness by attacking it only helps to magnetize more power and attention to the negative person, event or object that causes it. Hence focus on cultivating happy people and avoid toxic people.

Happiness Mantra 6: When the garden is clean and blooming and full of life, the snakes of anger have no place to hide; the thorns of greed get cleared away. When the clutter of old hatreds is replaced by order, the flowers of friendship bloom. The scorpions of revenge and jealousy slither away and the butterflies of laughter return to celebrate the flowers.

Happiness Mantra 7:  Too much television is ‘Tele-visham’ – (Tele poison). Too much stimulation, a mindspace crowded by fantasy people and events, distracts you from focusing on your own mindspace, your home, your backyard.

Happiness Mantra 8:  Some days we seem to live a fantasy life dominated by day dreams, while reality tugs at our heartstrings for attention, like a neglected child. Take care of what is yours and enjoy it.

Happiness Mantra 9:  Let the cells of your body be gently bathed in happiness, positive thoughts and healing energies.

Happiness Mantra 10: ‘Physical fitness is the most important thing in life. The capacity to attain perfection of mind and soul depends on your physical health. Take care of yourself as no one else can do it for you.’

Happiness Mantra 11: All the ancients believed that no attempt should be made to cure the body without treating the soul.

Happiness Mantra 12: To be healthy is to have the ability, despite an occasional bout of illness, to live with full use of your faculties and to be vigorous, alert and happy to be alive, even in old age. This concept of operational health has been termed ‘wellness’.

Happiness Mantra 13: Meditation produces beneficial effects such as reduction of tension, lowering of blood pressure, relaxation of muscles, increased concentration and work efficiency, and increase of immunological resistance to diseases.

Happiness Mantra 14: Service to others, music, prayer—all are forms of meditation—make the blood flow with serotonins—the happiness chemical. Hindu scriptures enjoin five types of service known as pancha-mahayajna—service to gods; service to sages; service to ancestors; service to humans, guests and the poor; and service to animals.

Happiness Mantra 15: Health is the foundation for a feeling of wellbeing and joy. It is very difficult to be full of enthusiasm if you are not in a state of positive health.

Happiness Mantra 16: Listen to your body. If you are tired, rest. If you are hungry, eat. If you are lonely, communicate, ask for a hug. If you are angry, deal with your anger constructively, resolve it.

Happiness Mantra 17: The body is our vehicle for the journey of our soul in this world. You may be an immortal soul who happens to own a body, but the body-vehicle has to be maintained in good condition, so that we may achieve the goals for which we were created.

Happiness Mantra 18: Yogasanas in conjunction with pranayama bring harmony and balance to every part of the body, and are extremely therapeutic for the body, mind and soul. They mould every part of the body to its ideal contour through various postures.

Happiness Mantra 19: Around every person there is a field of emotional energy. Some people always look and feel radiant and everything in their life flourishes and grows. They have a positive energy field around them.

Happiness Mantra 20: Some people, always feel and look morose and tense, everything in their life seems to fade and die. They have a negative energy field around them. The positive field is created by positive emotions and the negative field draws sustenance from negative emotions.

Happiness Mantra 21: Learning to create a positive field is an important part of the climate of wellbeing. The positive field is created by tools and behaviours that may be verbal, tonal and non-verbal.

Happiness Mantra 22: Meditation, practiced regularly, helps develop the capacity to be analytical, positive and disciplined, and eliminate negative fields.

Happiness Mantra 23: Affirmations are the most important constituent of the positive field. It is a verbal, tonal or non-verbal act of appreciation. If you have to say something unpleasant, do it as kindly as possible, while genuinely appreciating the good qualities of the person and the relationship.

Happiness Mantra 24: The energy field around a person is most affected by positive, soul-level motives or ‘sankalpa’. If the gut-level motives are positive, the mere lack of skill in verbal, tonal and non–verbal transmissions can be overcome.

Happiness Mantra 25: When work is done with love, it fills the body and mind with bliss and transforms any place into a sacred space.

Happiness Mantra 21: Learning to create a positive field is an important part of the climate of wellbeing. The positive field is created by tools and behaviours that may be verbal, tonal and non-verbal.

Happiness Mantra 22: Meditation, practiced regularly, helps develop the capacity to be analytical, positive and disciplined, and eliminate negative fields.

Happiness Mantra 23:  Affirmations are the most important constituent of the positive field. It is a verbal, tonal or non-verbal act of appreciation..  If you have to say something unpleasant, do it as kindly as
possible, while genuinely appreciating the good qualities of the person and the relationship.’

Happiness Mantra 24: The energy field around a person is most affected by positive, soul-level motives or ‘sankalpa’.  If the gut-level motives are positive, the mere lack of skill in verbal, tonal and non–verbal transmissions can be overcome.

Happiness Mantra 25: When work is done with love, it fills the body and mind with bliss and transforms any place into a sacred space.

Happiness Mantra 26:  The Divine spark is the silent flame of consciousness that reaches out to you from a flowering creeper or a healthy pet. 

Happiness Mantra 27:  Auspiciousness or a feeling of wellbeing is created in a space or a field by treating it as sacred.

Happiness Mantra 28: When you consider yourself as sacred, you will treat yourself well. Just as you put on clean fresh clothes, you will also clean up the mental space or field around you.  Sweep out all ill will, anger, fear and anxiety.

Happiness Mantra 29: Drala is created by the reverence, purity and faith within a space. When a person treats his office space with reverence and keeps it clean and sparkling, he attracts drala into that space.

Happiness Mantra 30: Prana is the life force that flows in all living things.  When the life force leaves the body, the body dies. Kirlian photography has captured pictures of the pranic aura

Happiness Mantra 31: Prana enhances the positive field and the vital life force flows freely through it. It creates a powerful positive field—a field of all possibilities where any seed of an idea will develop rapidly.

Happiness Mantra 32:  Meditation is the broom that sweeps out the negative emotions and pours in the honey of tranquility into the mind.  There are many forms of meditation

Happiness Mantra 33: Often our senses are scrambled and numbed by the hurry of life. Each of the senses provides us with new adventures and helps us to live more fully.

Happiness Mantra 34: Enjoy the skill of the great architect of the universe. 

Happiness Mantra 35: In the silence, become aware of yourself.  Be aware of your body as full of health and energy.

Happiness Mantra 36: Be aware of your breathing, the beating of your heart.  Once you are aware of your body in silence, in peace and tranquility, then you begin to notice immediately, the destructive effects of stress.
Happiness Mantra 37: Be completely aware of the shift of feelings from moment to moment.  Knowing exactly how you feel can help you make better emotional decisions.
Happiness Mantra 38: The springboard is a tool that can help generate a positive field around you.  When someone offers you an idea, first as a discipline, look for those things about the idea that please you.

Happiness Mantra 39: A negative field is toxic with distrust. In the negative field, individuals are afraid to think differently; new ideas wither before they are formulated.

Happiness Mantra 40: In the negative field, only the most obvious ideas, which appear practical and sensible will be shared. All but the most obvious ideas will be rejected. These ideas will be of little use because they are probably centuries old.

Happiness Mantra 41: You can change the negative field by first changing yourself and filling the field with the positive emotions like love and compassion.

Happiness Mantra 42: Erase all tapes that are hurting, upsetting and destructive.  Every time you play them unconsciously you damage your body, causing your tissues to be bathed in acid toxins.

Happiness Mantra 43: A place can have a positive or negative field.  You can feel it when you enter a temple or church where regular services are performed. The feeling of prayerful sacredness envelopes all who go to that space.

Happiness Mantra 44: It is energy that causes all beings to act in this world.  The higher the level of positive energy, the greater the accomplishments.

Happiness Mantra 45: The universal life energy acts and lives in all created matter.  It is necessary at all times to make sure that the creation of a negative field is carefully avoided.

Happiness Mantra 46: Mankind is paying a steep price for failing to learn more about the Mind before embarking on the race for success in the new millennium.

Happiness Mantra 47: Stress is the price we pay for success. Stress stalks the precarious climb up the corporate ladder.

Happiness Mantra 48: It is being slowly realised that economic prosperity can lead to poverty in the quality of life and health.

Happiness Mantra 49: Many have to confront the question of how their values measure up against their need to own and have the world’s goodies.

Happiness Mantra 50: The fashionable corporate high of fast-track leaders—eyes shining, excess nervous energy, multi-tasking, dynamism personified—is achieved at the expense of a tissue-destroying high.
Happiness Mantra 51: You have a much better chance of doing what you love as an artist, sportsman, musician or film maker today than ever before.

Happiness Mantra 52: Women have moved into the workforce in an unmistakable wave. In modern societies today, many of them bear the dual burden of managing the home and a career. Be Ardhanareshwara. Achieve work life balance.

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