Tuesday, 20 March 2012

The Science of Yoga

The art of living is yoga which is India's contribution  to  the world.  The word 'yoga' is derived from the sanskrit word yuj which means 'yoke' attach or 'join'.  It means the disciplining of the intellect to the Cosmos.

The Science of yoga is systematized by Maharishi Patanjanli in 285 yogasutras.   It has eight steps namely Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Prathyahara, Dharna, Dhyana Samadhi.

Their respective meanings are:

i) Universal moral commandments

ii) Self purification by discipline

iii) Posture

iv) Rhythmic control of breath

v) With drawl of the mind from the domination of the senses and exterior object.

vi) Concentration

vii) Meditation

viii) Thoughtless state in which one becomes one with the object of his meditation. 

This chapter is about the  third stage,  namely asanas.  Yogasana is the Science of beauty of form which combines effortless postures and definite stances in the projection of a healthy and striking personality.

Yogasana covers the harmony of bodily stances and breathing techniques that mould, every part of the body to its ideal contour.  This is possible through various postures like standing and sitting.  These asanas also subtly aid in the development of a new and striking personality.

Asanas are thus not merely yogi postures but they embody the proper physical and mental disposition through the harmony of body and mind.

These asanas will help recreate a healthy heart.  Practicing all eight stages of yoga is certainly a recipe for the healthy heart. The following asanas are simple and chosen for the healthy heart.

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