Thursday, 29 March 2012

Make a date

Make a date with yourself. A time just to come face to face with the person you are and the person you aspire to be. Study yourself against this template
  • Physical
  • Mental  
  • Emotional
  • Social


The body is the boat you are given to cross the ocean of life. It is the only one you will ever have. So take care of it. Schedule a health check and make friends with a young, friendly doctor. Use every muscle, use it or lose it. Set apart time for self care. If it hurts, fix it.


Learn to meditate. Get a massage. Take a long uninterrupted bath. Keep mentally interested in events. Don’t be a touch potato get out and get a life. Digital is good. But you can’t digest it unless you experience the people and events outside your cubicle. Play with gurgling babies. Teach a boy cricket. Walk in the park. Harvard University Professor Howard Gardner, of Project Zero says, that people may have any one of these seven intelligences:

Logical, Mathematical
Visual spatial
Knowledge of Self
Knowledge of Others

Identify your special intelligences and leverage them in a job you love.


Audit the emotional states that make up your day. Make sure they are positive emotions: love, compassion, courage, laughter and wonder. Proactively create events that will generate these emotions: celebrations, good books, great movies, and a walk in the moonlight. Manage anger which causes 36 toxic chemicals to pour into the blood. Abolish fear. Avoid revulsion.

 Loneliness is the worst disease of the modern world. Loneliness attacks are deadlier than
heart attacks. Reach out and touch people around you. Let your hi-tech life not isolate you from a hi-touch life. Your family and friends are waiting for the hi-touch you. Reach out verbally, tonally and non-verbally. Write notes in gratitude to all those who make your life meaningful. Your parents, friends, your neighbours. Read to the blind. Coach a poor child. Exchange plants and seeds over the wall with your neighbour.

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