Monday, 7 June 2021

Happiness Mantras

Happiness Mantra 1: To be healthy is to have the ability, despite an occasional bout of illness, to live with full use of your faculties and to be vigorous, alert and happy to be alive, even in old age. This concept of operational health has been termed ‘wellness’. Happiness Mantra 2: Meditation produces beneficial effects such as reduction of tension, lowering of blood pressure, relaxation of muscles, increased concentration and work efficiency, and increase of immunological resistance to diseases. Happiness Mantra 3: Service to others, music, prayer—all are forms of meditation—make the blood flow with serotonins—the happiness chemical. Hindu scriptures enjoin five types of service known as pancha-mahayajna—service to gods; service to sages; service to ancestors; service to humans, guests and the poor; and service to animals. Happiness Mantra 4: Health is the foundation for a feeling of wellbeing and joy. It is very difficult to be full of enthusiasm if you are not in a state of positive health. Happiness Mantra 5: Listen to your body. If you are tired, rest. If you are hungry, eat. If you are lonely, communicate, ask for a hug. If you are angry, deal with your anger constructively, resolve it. Happiness Mantra 6: The body is our vehicle for the journey of our soul in this world. You may be an immortal soul who happens to own a body, but the body-vehicle has to be maintained in good condition, so that we may achieve the goals for which we were created. Happiness Mantra 7: Yogasanas in conjunction with pranayama bring harmony and balance to every part of the body, and are extremely therapeutic for the body, mind and soul. They mould every part of the body to its ideal contour through various postures. Happiness Mantra 8: Around every person there is a field of emotional energy. Some people always look and feel radiant and everything in their life flourishes and grows. They have a positive energy field around them. Happiness Mantra 9: Some people, always feel and look morose and tense, everything in their life seems to fade and die. They have a negative energy field around them. The positive field is created by positive emotions and the negative field draws sustenance from negative emotions. Happiness Mantra 10: Learning to create a positive field is an important part of the climate of wellbeing. The positive field is created by tools and behaviours that may be verbal, tonal and non-verbal. Happiness Mantra 11: Meditation, practiced regularly, helps develop the capacity to be analytical, positive and disciplined, and eliminate negative fields. Happiness Mantra 12: Affirmations are the most important constituent of the positive field. It is a verbal, tonal or non-verbal act of appreciation. If you have to say something unpleasant, do it as kindly as possible, while genuinely appreciating the good qualities of the person and the relationship.

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