Tuesday, 5 May 2020

The Power of a Sacred Space

A sacred space is defined by the rules of conduct laid down for those who enter, as in a court room, a church, a temple or the parliament. Very few misbehave in such places as they are rarely able to cast away the weight of laws and customs built over centuries around them. A person who maintains dignity and decorum in such a place may behave totally different in a bar or when at a party. The Tibetians of the Shambala tradition believe in a concept called drala by which any space can be made sacred. Drala is created by the reverence, purity and faith within a space. When a person treats his offi ce space with reverence and keeps it clean and sparkling, he attracts drala into that space. Drala makes that space powerful and attractive. When he dresses carefully, speaks and acts mindfully, he attracts personal drala. Many are able to do this in their homes. Indian homes have beautiful white flower patterns drawn at the entrance to attract Lakshmi, the Goddess of Good Fortune. The atmosphere is further enhanced by the fragrance of incense and joss sticks. Certain sounds like that of mantras or the sound of bells, or wind chimes in a Chinese home, are said to purify the field.

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