Thursday, 21 April 2016

Tips to Work-life Balance

1. Take short relaxation breaks, at least thrice a day.
2. Eat fresh, energy-giving foods.
3. Take a walk outdoors during lunch break.
4. Stay away from politics and back-biting.
5. Involve your spouse and children in your work. Bring them to the office during lunch break or on a Saturday.
6. Spend time reading and improving your mind.
7. Get involved in activities that will benefit others.
8. Develop an absorbing hobby or skill—driving, dancing, gardening, carpentry, painting, amateur radio, etc.
9. Keep in touch with your close friends and extended family, use the power of the internet.
10. Plan to cut off from work on weekends.
11. Meditate. Take care of yourself.
12. Look at your life-goals and evaluate your job to see if it will help you achieve them.
13. Learn to say ‘No’.
14. Remember that people are more important than getting ahead.
15. If you have a toxic workplace, look for another job.

16. Know that you are more important than the car you drive, house you inhabit, your bank balance or the promise of a foreign holiday.

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