Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Creating the Positive Field

Around every person or place there is a field of emotional energy. Positive emotions like love, courage, humour, compassion wonder and peace create a positive field. Energy causes all beings to act in this world. The higher the level of energy, the greater the accomplishments. When we are tired, our energy level plummets and we do not feel like doing anything. When the field around is negative with hurt, anger, possessiveness, greed, jealously, fear and abhorrence, we are less able to act with speed, effectiveness and efficiency. These emotions suck the energy and life force out of us. All beings have within them, the all-pervading life force or ‘prana’, the same force or energy that creates and sustains life in the universe. The capacity to enjoy the free gifts of Nature—sunlight, rain or flowers—allows the chemicals of bliss endorphins and serotonins to flow.

“In quantum physics this interdependency being of a thing and its overall environment is called field, and the implications of it are vast, both for our whole conception of reality and for our understanding of ourselves as partners in that reality,” writes Danah Zohar. Interdependence is key to a holding environment, where the true self can be shared.

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