The ideal householder leads on
earth a consecrated life, not unmindful of any duty to the living, or to the
departed. His wife, the glory of his house, is modest and frugal, adores her
husband, guards herself, and is the guardian of his house’s fame. His children
are his choicest treasures; their babbling voices are his music; he feasts with
the Gods when he eats the rice their tiny fingers have played with; and his one
aim is to make them worthier than himself. Affection is the very life of his
soul, of all his virtues the first and greatest. The sum and source of them all
is love. His house is open to every
guest whom he welcomes with a smiling face and a pleasant word, and with whom
he shares his meal, courteous in speech grateful for every kindness, just in
all his dealings, master of himself in perfect self-control, strict in the
performance of every assigned duty, pure, patient and forbearing with a heart
free from envy, moderate in desires, speaking no evil of others, refraining from
unprofitable words, dreading the touch of evil, diligent in the discharge of
all the duties of his position, and liberal in his benefaction, he is one whom
all unite to praise.
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