Everything life offers is prasad—blessed by the gods. Good and bad experiences, people who love you and those who hate you, are all sent here to teach you. Go on to achieve your highest potential. Look for the highest in others. Know your purpose on earth, the highest that God created you to become. Question injustice. Stand up for those who cannot fight, speak for those who have no voice. Speak gently and with love. Receive this prasad, compliments, gifts and encouragement with grace.
Bhutha bhavya bhavat prabhu hu. When the Lord of the Past, Present and Future holds you in the palm of His Hand, why worry?
They say, don’t be too Hungry, too Angry, too Lonely or too Tired. If you are able to handle or prevent these four states of being, you will not be swept away into actions you will later regret. The capacity to control and soothe yourself, as one would handle a frightened horse or a hysterical child, is an essential coping skill. To deal competently with loss, failure, insult and distress are major issues that face a person whose HALT is out of sync. Positive self-talk helps in such situations, be prepared to sacrifice, to wait and do not rush to gratify every desire. Continue with your life’s work and you will be healed. A high-tolerance level when faced with frustration is due to the capacity to motivate oneself. Motivate yourself to heal.