Monday, 24 September 2018

Need of Family Network

Today, however, the family, as the ‘shock absorber of society, to which the bruised and battered individual returns after doing battle with the world,’ in the words of Alvin Toffler in his landmark work Future Shock, is going through a transitional phase. The breakdown of the joint family has led to a loosening of extended family relationships. The powerful mother-in-law of the joint family is emerging as the subdued caretaker of children, helping the educated daughter-in-law augment the double income of all upwardly mobile young couples. The large, amorphous, supportive joint family that supported a wide variety of people and bestowed unconditional love for the crippled, the old and the helpless, has been reduced to the nuclear family where everyone is in sharp focus. Much like the modern corporation, there is no place to hide, no place for passengers, and everyone has to pull their own weight. It is our mission to restore to it its traditional role as a place of rest and healing, albeit in a new paradigm. There should be one person in the family who can cushion the blows of the outside world. Someone who is not too busy to listen, give support, and manage the daily tasks of living. This could even be a paid caregiver or cook. Networking with parents, in-laws, neighbours, domestic help and friends is the key for working mothers.

Monday, 17 September 2018

Enhance Positive Energy for Emotional Wellness

Elevate everyday experiences to the level of sacredness. When work is done with such love, it fills the body and mind with bliss and transforms any place into a sacred space. As Kalil Gibran writes in The Prophet, ‘What is it to work with love? It is to weave the cloth from the strings of your heart, as though your Beloved were to wear it.’This reverence or shraddha is due to all, because of the divine spark that dwells in all men—whether he is a legend or a leper. Sometimes it is obvious. The Divine spark is the silent flame of consciousness that reaches out to you from a flowering creeper or a healthy pet. Sometimes this life force has lost its vitality and is dimmed by dirt, lethargy and lack of care. Clean the glass of your lamp. Make the light shine through. Decide to approach all events, people, and things with affection, shraddha.

Monday, 10 September 2018

Nurturing Life-Force

Prana is the life-force that flows in all living things. When prana leaves the body, the body dies. When prana is in full flow, the person is full of vitality, energy and enthusiasm. Prana creates a field of possibilities where the seed of any idea develops rapidly, where our activities proceed smoothly and bear rich dividends. To develop prana, meditation, pranayama and a calm attitude are key. Freshly-cooked healthy food, pure fresh air and yogic exercise nurture and enhance prana. Eating too much, consuming stale food, exercising till you are ready to drop dead, constant arguments, overworking, getting emotionally upset, breathing polluted air, all interfere with the smooth flow of prana.

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

More life in your years

More life in your years DECCAN CHRONICLE. | DR REKHA SHETTY PublishedAug 19, 2018, 12:11 am IST UpdatedAug 19, 2018, 12:11 am IST It is the lifestyle. To start with, the diet: small portions of yellow and green vegetables eaten with fish and a little helping of rice. Make friends with optimistic people. (Photo: Pixabay) Living on the Okinawa islands in Japan ensures that you have a good chance of living over 100 years. Is it the air? Is it the location? Is it the culture? Not really. It is the lifestyle. To start with, the diet: small portions of yellow and green vegetables eaten with fish and a little helping of rice. Sweet potato is a staple as is the bitter melon. Sea weed and tofu are eaten regularly. Turmeric is used in cooking and also as a tea. The easygoing attitude of ‘what is’, has a protective effect on life by reducing stress. Active aging or putting more life into our years is a goal worth pursuing. The most important thing to have is a clear interesting goal for the years ahead. It is important to stop smoking, eat correctly, drink water in moderation and exercise, while taking the help of a doctor in maintaining your body. Even more important is to surround yourself with close, loving, family and good friends. A well-knit network of relationships does more to protect the quality of your life than anything else you can do. So volunteer, help others, reach out and recreate old bonds. Take lots of holidays, spend time with young people. Meditate regularly. Planning for an active old age needs to start when you are young. You can be vital, alert, a contributor and beneficiary of development. Invest in looking and feeling good. Make friends with optimistic people. Avoid toxic people. You can leverage your experience and wisdom. You can live long as a fully functioning, helpful, loving individual if you decide to do so. Now! The writer is the author of Everyday Happiness Mantras