Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Beware of Happiness Traps

•Expecting too much from others.
• Not accepting yourself as you are; demanding too much of yourself.
• Not being content with anything.
• Feeling you are not contributing.
• Feeling excluded.
• Playing politics and being manipulative.
• Feeling you cannot prevent another’s suffering.
• Constantly craving for food.
• In a rush all the time.
• Excessively or often angry.
• Full of lethargy and inactivity.
• Having too much tiredness.

• Ignoring others.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Principles of Happy Life

1. Exercise every day.
2. Make friends with a doctor, preferably a young doctor.
3. Love myself (this is a tough one).
4. Give more affirmations, go slow on discounts.

5. Keep in touch with friends.
6. Play more.
7. Cultivate flow activities.
8. Spend more fun time with family.
9. Spend uncluttered time and do interesting things with the kids.
10. Do something new every day.
11. Be a participant in life, not a spectator.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Be Nature’s Friend

Learning about the magic of growth and the splendor of Life will become as natural as breathing for your children.  Each of us has a personal responsibility to Mother Earth. Let us use telephones and internet for life changing and life affirming activities. Because in the last analysis, all that we think or say or do fall under one of these two categories: Life affirming or Life destroying. 
Grow some of your own food, even if it is just a pot of coriander leaves or tulsi to welcome Laxmi into your house or cure a sore throat. Plant trees that will be cared for. Start using a reusable cloth bag to shop . Turn off the water while you shave and you can save more than 100 gallons of water a week. Turn off the water while you brush your teeth and save 4 gallons a minute. That’s 200 gallons a week for a family of four.

Think about it: why can’t each of us take responsibility of keeping our own street clean and beautiful. Just like we keep the toilets inside our house clean, we can make sure that our street is green and beautiful. Join hands with neighbours and go green today. In your journey through life,

“Take nothing but pictures
Kill nothing but time

Leave nothing but footprints”

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Know Yourself

 “It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or demons, heaven or hell,” said Buddha. This is the season to clean up our lives, burn out all desires and conquer our evil habits. Control your tongue, for “The tongue like a sharp knife. It kills without drawing blood…. Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” Overcome the snakes of jealousy and the grasping fingers of greed. Wipe out lust. Start on a clean white canvas of purity. Paint the positive navarasas of love, compassion, wonder, laughter, courage and peace into your life.

As Buddha said the way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart. Do not look back or lose yourself in the daydreams of the future. Concentrate your mind and be a full participant in the present moment. Enjoy each moment!

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Love yourself

Now turn inward and start a personal affirmation account for yourself.  Give yourself a big hug for being the most hard working, kind and special person in your life. Invest in a note book which will document your love affair with yourself.
v  Write a love letter to yourself. Recognize your unique beauty, your capacity to do your best and all the gifts that make you such a fabulous person. “Love yourself first and everything else falls into place,” said Lucille Ball.
v  Start a gratefulness dairy where you record all the things you are grateful for. Thank God for His blessings.
v  ‘I can,’ is a hundred times more important that IQ. Celebrate your smallest successes. Stop that nagging, critical voice in your head that keeps picking on you. Speak to yourself kindly and lovingly.
v  Stop worrying. The way to be happy is to stop worrying about things which cannot be changed.
v  Plug into the Source of all power, through prayer and meditation and acknowledge that you are a child of God, made in his own image.

v  Explore, dream, discover: at the end of your life do not regret all the dreams you have failed to pursue. 

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Network of Affection

Research shows that growing up with more siblings provides you with a chance to have a happier marriage. This may be because of the chance to learn the joy of sharing, caring, comforting others in trouble, adjusting with limited resources and an opportunity for fun, games and common amusements.
With the growing trend towards one child families, it is good idea to develop a method of providing a similar experience with children in a building, neighbourhood or circle of friends. The joint family provides a great opportunity for kids to build close relationships with other children and adults. Can we take steps to replace the lost joint family with intimate circles of neighbours and friends?

Just today, I was speaking to a friend a busy lawyer about getting together with his neighbours to deal with wet and dry garbage. He said “I don’t even know the 6 other families who live in my building.” A time has come in our own cities and towns, when a person can die next door and no one knows about it. Last week a newspaper article told  of a woman in a posh Bangalore suburb whose body was discovered 5 months after she died. Neighbours complained of a foul smell and authorities broke down the door to find her.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Action Plan to win tough times

·         Use this time to do more. Remember you will get good at something you keep doing. Most people better than you, have just spent more time doing, instead of complaining, dreaming or wishing. Do more.
·         Give yourself bigger and better goals whatever happens, keep a positive attitude. You probably talk more to yourself than anyone else on earth. Make sure your self talk is positive and nurturing
·         Encourage yourself, keep doing a little bit every day to realize your dreams. Every single day – like your exercises.  One day you will reach the top of the mountain.
·         Build your networks. Stretch out a helping hand to those who need it. Nothing like bad times to bring families and teams together.
·         Be encouraging and supportive to other people’s efforts. No discouraging word should pass your lips. Focus on your family.
·         Thinking during tough times forces us to think outside the box or even eliminate the box.
·         Create an environment that is replete with the positive emotions of love, courage, compassion, laughter, wonder and peace. This is the positive field that will nurture creativity and innovation.

·         Adapt and evolve. Remember nothing lasts. Especially not tough times!

Friday, 9 October 2015

Tough Times are the Best Times

We live in daunting times to those involved in the blood bath of the financial markets. This must be an impossible time. What are the mantras that can help us keep our equanimity in tough times?
I believe that tough times are the best times. The lack of resources forces us to innovate and come up with solutions that are optimally suited to our times. Tough times are good for the planet – there is less waste and more of the 3Rs –reduce, repair and recycle. These are times when you think about refusing things you don’t really need. And realize how much excess baggage you have been carrying. This is a time to reduce clutter of all kinds in your life and bring it to a Zen like perfection.

‘Tough times don’t last, but tough people do,’ said a wag. So this is time for tough love. Get everyone to adapt by processing on improving their skills, instead of complaining. Here are some actions for the tough times.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Natural Water Managers

The Saguaro Cactus in Arizona is a leafless plant which is one of the best water managers in the world. Only 10 meters tall, its roots spread far and wide in a radius of 20 meters which absorb and store water from the smallest shower. Weighing 10 tones, it stores 8 tones of water. The plant has sharp prickles to protect its treasure of water. The mesquites of Texas which grow along dry river beds have wide spreading roots, hungry for water. Sometimes the roots grow to 80 meters. The plant hardly grows above the ground till it strikes water.
It is fascinating how plants provide clues about the presence of water in the vicinity. A famous Indian astronomer, astrologer and mathematician, Varahamihira in the 54th chapter of Brihat Samhita, writes about finding water sources. He has written about various types of plants and termite mounds that show where water can be found.  The Jamun tree with its delicious purple fruit, indicates water at 16ft depth, 5ft north of the tree. Fig trees have water sources close by. A herb called Vallarai which is said to enhance memory, also indicates the presence of water. Termite mounds which need moist soil also indicate the presence of water. Nature provides a hundred clues to sensitive water detectives. For instance, if a coconut or Palmyra palm tree has its trunk branched in two, water will be found at 24 ft west of the tree.
In a desert, if you see hills, you are likely to find water at the base. Damp sand in a dry riverbed indicates water. Follow the foot prints of animals and game trails. Follow then downhill to find water. Reed grass and palms spell the presence of moisture. Be careful while drinking water from a cactus especially with a milky sap. Throwing up will only increase dehydration. Dew could save you. Collect it before sun rise, when it will swiftly evaporate. Thirsty Bedouins dig up cool stones just before sunrise. When dew settles on them, they lick it up.
The way animals deal with water, is another fascinating subject. Beavers are the best builders of dams for their own convenience.  With sharp teeth and flat tails, they use mud and sticks to flood an area, where they can navigate below or near the surface. This dam creates an eco system where they can remain hidden from predators. The flooded areas also provide access to food during the lean winter months.
All of nature has such acute intelligence about water. Mankind’s sensitivity increases when water is scarce, as we find in deserts. It reduces drastically as water becomes plentiful. In the desert, water in life itself and it is treated as sacred. In Cherrapunji which has the highest rainfall in the world, there is water shortage. In the Rajasthan Thar desert area, receiving scanty rain for just 3-4 months, there is enough water for cultivation in many areas as also for the needs of households.
The surprising conclusion is that water security or Jal Swaraj (water independence) may not be nature’s gift. It is a combination of a tradition of water conservation, culture and religion. In Rajasthan, water is worshipped as sacred. This creates a pyramidal structure, with each household storing rain water and villages nurturing ponds, tanks and retention pools and huge tanks like the one in Gharsiscar.  Khadeems are oases in the desert, stored through the retention of water, in the beds of seasonal rivers, which provide enough for both the kharif and Rabi crops.

So let us treat water like Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and well being. Even when water flows like a waterfall in our plush glamour rooms at home, let us remember how hard people, animals and plants work for a drop of water.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Action Plan to create a healing home

*           Your home reflects how you are, and how well you are taking care of yourself.
•             Learn how to make mess and clutter disappear for good
•             Steadily raise the level of beauty in your home
•             Fill your home with a growing sense of ease and happiness.  Be nicer to yourself, your family and every day
•             Get what you want at home, more easily than you ever dared to hope!
•             Engage fully in life with love and kindness and you cannot go wrong.
•             Simple kindness to oneself and all that lives, is the most powerful transformational force of all.

•             Practice being kind to yourself. And go put fresh sheets on your bed.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

A Healthy and Happy Home

A healthy home should be a healing space, a nurturing positive mind field. It can be a place where all wounds are healed. Alvin Toffler wrote ‘The family is the giant shock absorber of the family to which the bruised and battered individual returns after doing battle with the world!’ If your home is not a sanctuary but a battle-field do something about it. Get help, maybe professional help. Reserve time for laughter and happiness—schedule time for it, like you do for your work.

Have a rule to avoid difficult topics during meal times or bed time. Music, if is soothing, can be a powerful force for peace. The very walls absorb the vibrations of the music. Mantras can do the same for your home. I sometimes feel that if music can be infused into the mindspace so that it plays quietly in your mind, as the background to your day, it can have a really soothing affect. Avoid violent, depressing programmes. Just as you would not allow a terrorist into your home, do not allow such movies into the sacred space of your home. You surely are the protector of the field that exists in your home. Make your home fragrant with incense. Clean and sparkling and beautiful. Respectful of the sacred forces that can animate your home.

Monday, 5 October 2015

More Positive Rasas

Chivalry or bravery is definitely a feel-good situation.  Chivalry is represented on the stage by firmness, patience, heroism, pride, zeal, valour and wit. Bravery fills you with enthusiasm, energy and spontaneity. It is this brave and gentle quality that defines a true hero and it reaps the benefits of other’s happiness.  Bravery is seen in the small everyday courage that each of us is called to manifest in the face of obstacles.  The ability to sacrifice, which is the core of emotional intelligence, is a part of the vira rasa.  The ability to persist in the face of difficulties is a part of this.  To meet the jealousy and pettiness of the world with gentleness, humour and fearlessness is part of it.  Brilliance and elegance belong to the true warrior, who aligns himself with the powerful forces of goodness. 
1. Enjoy the thrill of overcoming obstacles.
2. Do not be cast down by failure, instead enjoy the thrill of overcoming the problem.
3.  Be involved in solving community problems.
4.  Get involved in speaking up against injustice and resisting evil.

5.  Remember that beyond the stormy mountain is the calm green valley.