The Saguaro Cactus in Arizona is a leafless plant which is
one of the best water managers in the world. Only 10 meters tall, its roots
spread far and wide in a radius of 20 meters which absorb and store water from
the smallest shower. Weighing 10 tones, it stores 8 tones of water. The plant
has sharp prickles to protect its treasure of water. The mesquites of Texas
which grow along dry river beds have wide spreading roots, hungry for water.
Sometimes the roots grow to 80 meters. The plant hardly grows above the ground
till it strikes water.
It is fascinating how plants provide clues about the
presence of water in the vicinity. A famous Indian astronomer, astrologer and
mathematician, Varahamihira in the 54th chapter of Brihat Samhita,
writes about finding water sources. He has written about various types of
plants and termite mounds that show where water can be found. The Jamun tree with its delicious purple
fruit, indicates water at 16ft depth, 5ft north of the tree. Fig trees have
water sources close by. A herb called Vallarai which is said to enhance memory,
also indicates the presence of water. Termite mounds which need moist soil also
indicate the presence of water. Nature provides a hundred clues to sensitive
water detectives. For instance, if a coconut or Palmyra palm tree has its trunk
branched in two, water will be found at 24 ft west of the tree.
In a desert, if you see hills, you are likely to find water
at the base. Damp sand in a dry riverbed indicates water. Follow the foot
prints of animals and game trails. Follow then downhill to find water. Reed
grass and palms spell the presence of moisture. Be careful while drinking water
from a cactus especially with a milky sap. Throwing up will only increase
dehydration. Dew could save you. Collect it before sun rise, when it will
swiftly evaporate. Thirsty Bedouins dig up cool stones just before sunrise.
When dew settles on them, they lick it up.
The way animals deal with water, is another fascinating
subject. Beavers are the best builders of dams for their own convenience. With sharp teeth and flat tails, they use mud
and sticks to flood an area, where they can navigate below or near the surface.
This dam creates an eco system where they can remain hidden from predators. The
flooded areas also provide access to food during the lean winter months.
All of nature has such acute intelligence about water.
Mankind’s sensitivity increases when water is scarce, as we find in deserts. It
reduces drastically as water becomes plentiful. In the desert, water in life itself
and it is treated as sacred. In Cherrapunji which has the highest rainfall in
the world, there is water shortage. In the Rajasthan Thar desert area,
receiving scanty rain for just 3-4 months, there is enough water for
cultivation in many areas as also for the needs of households.
The surprising conclusion is that water security or Jal
Swaraj (water independence) may not be nature’s gift. It is a combination of a
tradition of water conservation, culture and religion. In Rajasthan, water is
worshipped as sacred. This creates a pyramidal structure, with each household
storing rain water and villages nurturing ponds, tanks and retention pools and
huge tanks like the one in Gharsiscar.
Khadeems are oases in the desert, stored through the retention of water,
in the beds of seasonal rivers, which provide enough for both the kharif and Rabi
So let us treat water like Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth
and well being. Even when water flows like a waterfall in our plush glamour
rooms at home, let us remember how hard people, animals and plants work for a
drop of water.